SCORE - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Score (sk&ō;r), n. [AS.
Whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the
2. An account or reckoning; account of dues; bill; hence, indebtedness.
He parted well, and paid his
3. Account; reason; motive; sake; behalf.
But left the trade, as many more
Have lately done on the same
You act your kindness in Cydaria's
4. The number twenty, as being marked off by a special score or tally; hence, in
Amongst three or four
At length the queen took upon herself to grant patents of monopoly by
5. A distance of twenty yards; -- a term used in ancient archery and gunnery.
6. A weight of twenty pounds. [Prov. Eng.]
7. The number of points gained by the contestants, or either of them, in any game, as in cards or cricket.
8. A line drawn; a groove or furrow.
9. (Mus.) The original and entire draught, or its transcript, of a composition, with the parts for all the different instruments or voices written on staves one above another, so that they can be read at a glance; -- so called from the bar, which, in its early use, was drawn through all the parts.
10. the grade received on an examination, such as those given in school or as a qualifying examination for a job or admission to school; -- it may be expressed as a percentage of answers which are correct, or as a number or letter; as, a score of 98 in a civil service exam.
[Does not the earth
Score (sk&ō;r), v. t.
Let us
A briar in that tangled wilderness
2. Especially, to mark with significant lines or notches, for indicating or keeping account of something; as, to score a tally.
3. To mark or signify by lines or notches; to keep record or account of; to set down; to record; to charge.
Madam, I know when,
Instead of five, you
Nor need I tallies thy dear love to
4. To engrave, as upon a shield. [R.]
5. To make a score of, as points, runs, etc., in a game.
6. (Mus.) To write down in proper order and arrangement; as, to score an overture for an orchestra. See
7. (Geol.) To mark with parallel lines or scratches; as, the rocks of New England and the Western States were scored in the drift epoch.
Score (?), v. i. 1. To keep the score in a game; to act as scorer.
2. To make or count a point or points, as in a game; to tally.
3. To run up a score, or account of dues.
4. To succeed in finding a partner for sexual intercourse; to make a sexual conquest. [slang]
5. To purchase drugs illegally. [slang]