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as (ăz), adv. & conj. [OE. as, als, alse, also, al swa, AS. eal sw&ā;, lit. all so; hence, quite so, quite as: cf. G. als as, than, also so, then. See Also.] 1. Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden.
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His spiritual attendants adjured him, as he loved his soul, to emancipate his brethren.
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&hand_; As is often preceded by one of the antecedent or correlative words such, same, so, or as, in expressing an equality or comparison; as, give us such things as you please, and so long as you please, or as long as you please; he is not so brave as Cato; she is as amiable as she is handsome; come as quickly as possible. “Bees appear fortunately to prefer the same colors as we do.” Lubbock. As, in a preceding part of a sentence, has such or so to answer correlatively to it; as with the people, so with the priest.
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2. In the idea, character, or condition of, -- limiting the view to certain attributes or relations; as, virtue considered as virtue; this actor will appear as Hamlet.
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The beggar is greater as a man, than is the man merely as a king.
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3. While; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke.
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As I return I will fetch off these justices.
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4. Because; since; it being the case that.
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As the population of Scotland had been generally trained to arms . . . they were not indifferently prepared.
Sir W. Scott.
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[See Synonym under Because.]
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5. Expressing concession. (Often approaching though in meaning).
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We wish, however, to avail ourselves of the interest, transient as it may be, which this work has excited.
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6. That, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such. [Obs.]
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I can place thee in such abject state, as help shall never find thee.
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So as, so that. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]The relations are so uncertain as they require a great deal of examination.
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7. As if; as though. [Obs. or Poetic]
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He lies, as he his bliss did know.
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8. For instance; by way of example; thus; -- used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations.
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9. Than. [Obs. & R.]
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The king was not more forward to bestow favors on them as they free to deal affronts to others their superiors.
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10. Expressing a wish. [Obs.] “As have,” i. e., may he have. Chaucer.
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As . . as. See So . . as, under So. -- As far as, to the extent or degree. “As far as can be ascertained.” Macaulay. -- As far forth as, as far as. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- As for, or As to, in regard to; with respect to. -- As good as, not less than; not falling short of. -- As good as one's word, faithful to a promise. -- As if, or As though, of the same kind, or in the same condition or manner, that it would be if. -- As it were (as if it were), a qualifying phrase used to apologize for or to relieve some expression which might be regarded as inappropriate or incongruous; in a manner. -- As now, just now. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- As swythe, as quickly as possible. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- As well, also; too; besides. Addison. -- As well as, equally with, no less than. “I have understanding as well as you.” Job xii. 3. -- As yet, until now; up to or at the present time; still; now.
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As (&unr_;), n. [See Ace.] An ace. [Obs.] Chaucer.
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Ambes-as, double aces.
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As, n. (Chem.) the chemical symbol for arsenic.
‖As (&unr_;), n.; pl. Asses (&unr_;). [L. as. See Ace.] 1. A Roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces Troy weight. It was divided into twelve ounces.
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2. A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce.
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