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Please (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Pleased; p. pr. & vb. n. Pleasing.] [OE. plesen, OF. plaisir, fr. L. placere, akin to placare to reconcile. Cf. Complacent, Placable, Placid, Plea, Plead, Pleasure.] 1. To give pleasure to; to excite agreeable sensations or emotions in; to make glad; to gratify; to content; to satisfy.
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I pray to God that it may plesen you.
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What next I bring shall please thee, be assured.
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2. To have or take pleasure in; hence, to choose; to wish; to desire; to will.
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Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he.
Ps. cxxxv. 6.
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A man doing as he wills, and doing as he pleases, are the same things in common speech.
J. Edwards.
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3. To be the will or pleasure of; to seem good to; -- used impersonally. “It pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.” Col. i. 19.
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To-morrow, may it please you.
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To be pleased in or To be pleased with, to have complacency in; to take pleasure in. -- To be pleased to do a thing, to take pleasure in doing it; to have the will to do it; to think proper to do it. Dryden.
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Please (?), v. i. 1. To afford or impart pleasure; to excite agreeable emotions.
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What pleasing scemed, for her now pleases more.
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For we that live to please, must please to live.
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2. To have pleasure; to be willing, as a matter of affording pleasure or showing favor; to vouchsafe; to consent.
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Heavenly stranger, please to taste
These bounties.
[1913 Webster]
That he would please 8give me my liberty.
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