RASCAL - Definiția din dicționar
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Ras"cal (răs"k&aitalic_;l), n. [OE.
1. One of the rabble; a low, common sort of person or creature; collectively, the rabble; the common herd; also, a lean, ill-conditioned beast, esp. a deer. [Obs.]
He smote of the people seventy men, and fifty thousand of the
Poor men alone? No, no; the noblest deer hath them [horns] as huge as the
2. A mean, trickish fellow; a base, dishonest person; a rogue; a scoundrel; a trickster.
For I have sense to serve my turn in store,
And he's a
Ras"cal, a. Of or pertaining to the common herd or common people; low; mean; base. “The
While she called me