FOIL - Definiția din dicționar
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Foil (foil), v. t.
King Richard . . . caused the ensigns of Leopold to be pulled down and
Whom he did all to pieces breake and
In filthy durt, and left so in the loathely soyle.
2. To render (an effort or attempt) vain or nugatory; to baffle; to outwit; to balk; to frustrate; to defeat.
And by &unr_; mortal man at length am
Her long locks that
3. To blunt; to dull; to spoil; as, to foil the scent in chase.
Foil, v. t. [See 6th
Foil, n. 1. Failure of success when on the point of attainment; defeat; frustration; miscarriage.
Nor e'er was fate so near a
2. A blunt weapon used in fencing, resembling a smallsword in the main, but usually lighter and having a button at the point.
Blunt as the fencer's
Isocrates contended with a
3. The track or trail of an animal.
Foil, n. [OE.
2. (Jewelry) A thin leaf of sheet copper silvered and burnished, and afterwards coated with transparent colors mixed with isinglass; -- employed by jewelers to give color or brilliancy to pastes and inferior stones.
3. Anything that serves by contrast of color or quality to adorn or set off another thing to advantage.
As she a black silk cap on him began
To set, for
Hector has a
4. A thin coat of tin, with quicksilver, laid on the back of a looking-glass, to cause reflection.
5. (Arch.) The space between the cusps in Gothic architecture; a rounded or leaflike ornament, in windows, niches, etc. A group of foils is called trefoil, quatrefoil, quinquefoil, etc., according to the number of arcs of which it is composed.