CIPHER - Definiția din dicționar
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Ci"pher (?), n. [OF.
1. (Arith.) A character [0] which, standing by itself, expresses nothing, but when placed at the right hand of a whole number, increases its value tenfold.
2. One who, or that which, has no weight or influence.
Here he was a mere
3. A character in general, as a figure or letter. [Obs.]
This wisdom began to be written in
4. A combination or interweaving of letters, as the initials of a name; a device; a monogram; as, a painter's cipher, an engraver's cipher, etc. The cut represents the initials
5. A private alphabet, system of characters, or other mode of writing, contrived for the safe transmission of secrets; also, a writing in such characters.
His father . . . engaged him when he was very young to write all his letters to England in
Ci"pher, a. Of the nature of a cipher; of no weight or influence. “Twelve
Ci"pher, v. i.
“T was certain he could write and
Ci"pher, v. t. 1. To write in occult characters.
His notes he
2. To get by ciphering; as, to cipher out the answer.
3. To decipher. [Obs.]
4. To designate by characters. [Obs.]