NAKED - Definiția din dicționar
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Na"ked (n&ā;"kĕd), a. [AS.
1. Having no clothes on; uncovered; nude; bare; as, a naked body; a naked limb; a naked sword.
2. Having no means of defense or protection; open; unarmed; defenseless; as, naked to invasion.
Had I but served my God with half the zeal
I served my king, he would not in mine age
Have left me
Thy power is full
Behold my bosom
3. Unprovided with needful or desirable accessories, means of sustenance, etc.; destitute; unaided; bare.
Patriots who had exposed themselves for the public, and whom they saw now left
4. Without addition, exaggeration, or excuses; not concealed or disguised; open to view; manifest; plain.
The truth appears so
All things are
5. Mere; simple; plain; as, the naked truth.
The very
6. (Bot.) Without pubescence; as, a naked leaf or stem; bare, or not covered by the customary parts, as a flower without a perianth, a stem without leaves, seeds without a pericarp, buds without bud scales.
7. (Mus.) Not having the full complement of tones; -- said of a chord of only two tones, which requires a third tone to be sounded with them to make the combination pleasing to the ear; as, a naked fourth or fifth.