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Sur*vey"or (?), n. 1. One placed to superintend others; an overseer; an inspector.
[1913 Webster]
Were 't not madness then,
To make the fox surveyor of the fold?
[1913 Webster]
2. One who views and examines for the purpose of ascertaining the condition, quantity, or quality of anything; as, a surveyor of highways, ordnance, etc.
[1913 Webster]
3. One who surveys or measures land; one who practices the art of surveying.
[1913 Webster]
4. (Customs) (a) An officer who ascertains the contents of casks, and the quantity of liquors subject to duty; a gauger. (b) In the United States, an officer whose duties include the various measures to be taken for ascertaining the quantity, condition, and value of merchandise brought into a port. Abbot.
[1913 Webster]
Surveyor general. (a) A principal surveyor; as, the surveyor general of the king's manors, or of woods and parks. [Eng.] (b) An officer having charge of the survey of the public lands of a land district. [U.S.] Davies & Peck (Math. Dict.). -- Surveyor's compass. See Circumferentor. -- Surveyor's level. See under Level.
[1913 Webster]