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Sum"mon (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Summoned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Summoning.] [OE. somonen, OF. sumundre, semondre, F. semondre, from (assumed) LL. summonĕre, for L. summon&ē;re to give a hint; sub under + monere to admonish, to warn. See Monition, and cf. Submonish.] 1. To call, bid, or cite; to notify to come to appear; -- often with up.
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Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood.
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Trumpets summon him to war.
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2. To give notice to, or command to appear, as in court; to cite by authority; as, to summon witnesses.
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3. (Mil.) To call upon to surrender, as a fort.
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Syn. -- To call; cite; notify; convene; convoke; excite; invite; bid. See Call.
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