OCCUPY - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Oc"cu*py (?), v. t.
The better apartments were already
2. To hold, or fill, the dimensions of; to take up the room or space of; to cover or fill; as, the camp occupies five acres of ground.
3. To possess or use the time or capacity of; to engage the service of; to employ; to busy.
An archbishop may have cause to
4. To do business in; to busy one's self with. [Obs.]
All the ships of the sea, with their mariners, were in thee to
Not able to
5. To use; to expend; to make use of. [Obs.]
All the gold that was
6. To have sexual intercourse with. [Obs.]
Oc"cu*py, v. i. 1. To hold possession; to be an occupant. “
2. To follow business; to traffic.