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mo"lar (m&ō;"l&etilde_;r), a. [L. moles mass.] (Mech.) Of or pertaining to a mass of matter; -- said of the properties or motions of masses, as distinguished from those of molecules or atoms.
mo"lar (m&ō;"l&etilde_;r or m&ō;"l&ä;r), a. [L. moles mass.] (Chem.) Being at a concentration having the designated number of moles (of solute) per liter of solvent; as, an 0.2 molar solution of sodium chloride in water is close to isotonic.
Mo"lar, a. [L. molaris, fr. mola mill, fr. molere to grind in a mill. See Mill the machine.] Having power to grind; grinding; as, the molar teeth; also, of or pertaining to the molar teeth. Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
Mo"lar, n. (Anat.) Any one of the teeth back of the incisors and canines. The molars which replace the deciduous or milk teeth are designated as premolars, and those which are not preceded by deciduous teeth are sometimes called true molars. See Tooth.
[1913 Webster]