MEPHISTOPHELES - Definiția din dicționar
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Meph*is*toph"e*les (mĕf*ĭs*tof"&euptack_;*l&ē;z) [Written Mephostophilus in Shakespeare, Fletcher etc., Mephostophilis in Marlowe, but now generally Mephistopheles, as in Goethe: a made-up name, like most of the names of the medieval devils, but supposed by some to be formed (irregularly) from Gr.
He is frequently referred to as “the Devil,” but it was well understood that he was only a devil. Goethe took only the name and a few circumstances connected with the first appearance of Mephistopheles from the legend: the character, from first to last, is his own creation; and, in his own words, “on account of the irony and knowledge of the world it displays, is not easily comprehended.” Although he sometimes slyly used it (though less frequently than Faust) as a mask through which to speak with his own voice, he evidently drew the germ of some characteristics from his early associate,