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Leg"ume (lĕg"&uuptack_;m or l&euptack_;*g&ū;m"), n. [F. légume, L. legumen, fr. legere to gather. So called because they may be gathered without cutting. See Legend.] 1. (Bot.) A pod dehiscent into two pieces or valves, and having the seed attached at one suture, as that of the pea.
[1913 Webster]
&hand_; In the latter circumstance, it differs from a siliqua, in which the seeds are attached to both sutures. In popular use, a legume is called a pod, or cod; as, pea pod, or peas cod.
[1913 Webster]
2. pl. The fruit of leguminous plants, as peas, beans, lupines; pulse.
[1913 Webster]