LEAP - Definiția din dicționar
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Leap (?), n. [AS.
2. A weel or wicker trap for fish. [Prov. Eng.]
Leap (l&ē;p), v. i.
2. To spring or move suddenly, as by a jump or by jumps; to bound; to move swiftly. Also Fig.
My heart
A rainbow in the sky.
Leap, v. t. 1. To pass over by a leap or jump; as, to leap a wall, or a ditch.
2. To copulate with (a female beast); to cover.
3. To cause to leap; as, to leap a horse across a ditch.
Leap, n. 1. The act of leaping, or the space passed by leaping; a jump; a spring; a bound.
Wickedness comes on by degrees, . . . and sudden
Changes of tone may proceed either by
2. Copulation with, or coverture of, a female beast.
3. (Mining) A fault.
4. (Mus.) A passing from one note to another by an interval, especially by a long one, or by one including several other and intermediate intervals.