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He*ro"ic (?), a. [F. héro&ï;que, L. hero&ï;cus, Gr. &unr_;.] 1. Of or pertaining to, or like, a hero; of the nature of heroes; distinguished by the existence of heroes; as, the heroic age; an heroic people; heroic valor.
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2. Worthy of a hero; bold; daring; brave; illustrious; as, heroic action; heroic enterprises.
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3. (Sculpture & Painting) Larger than life size, but smaller than colossal; -- said of the representation of a human figure.
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Heroic Age, the age when the heroes, or those called the children of the gods, are supposed to have lived. -- Heroic poetry, that which celebrates the deeds of a hero; epic poetry. -- Heroic treatment or Heroic remedies (Med.), treatment or remedies of a severe character, suited to a desperate case. -- Heroic verse (Pros.), the verse of heroic or epic poetry, being in English, German, and Italian the iambic of ten syllables; in French the iambic of twelve syllables; and in classic poetry the hexameter.
Syn. -- Brave; intrepid; courageous; daring; valiant; bold; gallant; fearless; enterprising; noble; magnanimous; illustrious.
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