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Har"ry (-rӗ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Harried (-rĭd); p. pr. & vb. n. Harrying.] [OE. harwen, herien, her&yogh_;ien, AS. hergian to act as an army, to ravage, plunder, fr. here army; akin to G. heer, Icel. herr, Goth. harjis, and Lith. karas war. Cf. Harbor, Herald, Heriot.]
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1. To strip; to pillage; to lay waste; as, the Northmen came several times and harried the land.
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To harry this beautiful region.
W. Irving.
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A red squirrel had harried the nest of a wood thrush.
J. Burroughs.
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2. To agitate; to worry; to harrow; to harass. Shak.
Syn. -- To ravage; plunder; pillage; lay waste; vex; tease; worry; annoy; harass.
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Har"ry, v. i. To make a predatory incursion; to plunder or lay waste. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.
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