- Definiția din dicționar
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Dis*pute" (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Disputed; p. pr. & vb. n. Disputing.] [OE. desputen, disputen, OF. desputer, disputer, F. disputer, from L. disputare, disputatum; dis- + putare to clean; hence, fig., to clear up, set in order, reckon, think. See Putative, Pure.] To contend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another; to discuss; to reason; to debate; to altercate; to wrangle.
[1913 Webster]
Therefore disputed [reasoned, Rev. Ver.] he in synagogue with the Jews.
Acts xvii. 17.
[1913 Webster]
Dis*pute", v. t. 1. To make a subject of disputation; to argue pro and con; to discuss.
[1913 Webster]
The rest I reserve it be disputed how the magistrate is to do herein.
[1913 Webster]
2. To oppose by argument or assertion; to attempt to overthrow; to controvert; to express dissent or opposition to; to call in question; to deny the truth or validity of; as, to dispute assertions or arguments.
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To seize goods under the disputed authority of writs of assistance.
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3. To strive or contend about; to contest.
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To dispute the possession of the ground with the Spaniards.
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4. To struggle against; to resist. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Dispute it [grief] like a man.
Syn. -- To controvert; contest; gainsay; doubt; question; argue; debate; discuss; impugn. See Argue.
[1913 Webster]
Dis*pute", n. [Cf. F. dispute. See Dispute, v. i.] 1. Verbal controversy; contest by opposing argument or expression of opposing views or claims; controversial discussion; altercation; debate.
[1913 Webster]
Addicted more
To contemplation and profound dispute.
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2. Contest; struggle; quarrel. De Foe.
[1913 Webster]
Beyond dispute, Without dispute, indisputably; incontrovertibly.
Syn. -- Altercation; controversy; argumentation; debate; discussion; quarrel; disagreement; difference; contention; wrangling. See Altercation.
[1913 Webster]