- Definiția din dicționar
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De*lin`e*a"tion (?), n. [L. delineatio: cf. F. délinéation.] 1. The act of representing, portraying, or describing, as by lines, diagrams, sketches, etc.; drawing an outline; as, the delineation of a scene or face; in drawing and engraving, representation by means of lines, as distinguished from representation by means of tints and shades; accurate and minute representation, as distinguished from art that is careless of details, or subordinates them excessively.
[1913 Webster]
2. A delineated picture; representation; sketch; description in words.
[1913 Webster]
Their softest delineations of female beauty.
W. Irving.
Syn. -- Sketch; portrait; outline. See Sketch.
[1913 Webster]