COUPLE - Definiția din dicționar
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Cou"ple (kŭp"'l), n. [F.
It is in some sort with friends as it is with dogs in
I'll go in
2. Two of the same kind connected or considered together; a pair; a brace. “A
Adding one to one we have the complex idea of a
[Ziba] met him with a
3. A male and female associated together; esp., a man and woman who are married or betrothed.
Such were our
4. (Arch.) See
5. (Elec.) One of the pairs of plates of two metals which compose a voltaic battery; -- called a voltaic couple or galvanic couple.
6. (Mech.) Two rotations, movements, etc., which are equal in amount but opposite in direction, and acting along parallel lines or around parallel axes.
&hand_; The effect of a
Cou"ple, v. t.
1. To link or tie, as one thing to another; to connect or fasten together; to join.
Huntsman, I charge thee, tender well my hounds, . . .
2. To join in wedlock; to marry. [Colloq.]
A parson who
Cou"ple, v. i. To come together as male and female; to copulate. [Obs.]