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Cheek (ch&ē;k), n. [OE. cheke, cheoke, AS. ceàce, ceòce; cf. Goth. kukjan to kiss, D. kaak cheek; perh. akin to E. chew, jaw.] 1. The side of the face below the eye.
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2. The cheek bone. [Obs.] Caucer.
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3. pl. (Mech.) Those pieces of a machine, or of any timber, or stone work, which form corresponding sides, or which are similar and in pair; as, the cheeks (jaws) of a vise; the cheeks of a gun carriage, etc.
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4. pl. The branches of a bridle bit. Knight.
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5. (Founding) A section of a flask, so made that it can be moved laterally, to permit the removal of the pattern from the mold; the middle part of a flask.
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6. Cool confidence; assurance; impudence. [Slang]
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Cheek of beef. See Illust. of Beef. -- Cheek bone (Anat.) the bone of the side of the face; esp., the malar bone. -- Cheek by jowl, side by side; very intimate. -- Cheek pouch (Zo&ö;l.), a sacklike dilation of the cheeks of certain monkeys and rodents, used for holding food. -- Cheeks of a block, the two sides of the shell of a tackle block. -- Cheeks of a mast, the projection on each side of a mast, upon which the trestletrees rest. -- Cheek tooth (Anat.), a hinder or molar tooth. -- Butment cheek. See under Butment.
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Cheek (ch&ē;k), v. t. To be impudent or saucy to. [Slang.]
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