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Ca"pa*ble (?), a. [F. capable, LL. capabilis capacious, capable, fr. L. caper to take, contain. See Heave.] 1. Possessing ability, qualification, or susceptibility; having capacity; of sufficient size or strength; as, a room capable of holding a large number; a castle capable of resisting a long assault.
[1913 Webster]
Concious of joy and capable of pain.
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2. Possessing adequate power; qualified; able; fully competent; as, a capable instructor; a capable judge; a mind capable of nice investigations.
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More capable to discourse of battles than to give them.
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3. Possessing legal power or capacity; as, a man capable of making a contract, or a will.
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4. Capacious; large; comprehensive. [Obs.] Shak.
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&hand_; Capable is usually followed by of, sometimes by an infinitive.
Syn. -- Able; competent; qualified; fitted; efficient; effective; skillful.
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