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An"them (ăn"thĕm), n. [OE. antym, antefne, AS. antefen, fr. LL. antiphona, fr. Gr. 'anti`fwna, neut. pl. of 'anti`fwnon antiphon, or anthem, n. neut., from 'anti`fwnos sounding contrary, returning a sound; 'anti` over against + fwnh` sound, voice: the anthem being sung by the choristers alternately, one half-choir answering the other: cf. OF. anthaine, anteine, antieune, F. antienne. See Antiphon.] 1. Formerly, a hymn sung in alternate parts, in present usage, a selection from the Psalms, or other parts of the Scriptures or the liturgy, set to sacred music.
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2. A song or hymn of praise or devotion; as, a national anthem. Milton.
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An"them, v. t. To celebrate with anthems. [Poet.]
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Sweet birds antheming the morn.
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