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TUTORIAL - Definiția din dicționar

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Tu*to"ri*al (t&uuptack_;*t&ō;"rĭ*&aitalic_;l), a. [L. tutorius.] Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
[1913 Webster]


tu*to"ri*al (t&uuptack_;*t&ō;r"&euptack_;*&aitalic_;l), n. 1. A class{6} or short series of classes in which one or more instructors provide intensive instruction on some subject to a small group. Such short courses of instruction may be held at an institution of learning, or in any other place where a small group may desire a brief but thorough introduction to a topic.

2. Hence: (Computers) A set of instructions on how to use a particular computer program, built into the software package itself, displayed on the computer screen, and organized in a stepwise manner so as to familiarize a new user with all of or the most important features of the program.