RECOVERY - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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Re*cov"er*y (r?*k?v"?r*?), n. 1. The act of recovering, regaining, or retaking possession.
2. Restoration from sickness, weakness, faintness, or the like; restoration from a condition of mistortune, of fright, etc.
3. (Law) The obtaining in a suit at law of a right to something by a verdict and judgment of court.
4. The getting, or gaining, of something not previously had. [Obs.] “Help be past
5. In rowing, the act of regaining the proper position for making a new stroke.
6. Act of regaining the natural position after curtseying.
7. (Fencing, Sparring, etc.) Act of regaining the position of guard after making an attack.