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POLYGLOT - Definiția din dicționar

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Pol"y*glot (?), a. [Gr. poly`glwttos many-tongued; poly`s many + glw^tta, glw^ssa, tongue, language: cf. F. polyglotte.] 1. Containing, or made up, of, several languages; as, a polyglot lexicon, Bible.
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2. Versed in, or speaking, many languages.
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Pol"y*glot, n. 1. One who speaks several languages. [R.]A polyglot, or good linguist.” Howell.
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2. A book containing several versions of the same text, or containing the same subject matter in several languages; esp., the Scriptures in several languages.
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Enriched by the publication of polyglots. Abp. Newcome.
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