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NEPTUNIAN - Definiția din dicționar

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Nep*tu"ni*an (?), prop. a. [L. Neptunius belonging to Neptune: cf. F. neptunien.] 1. Of or pertaining to the ocean or sea.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geol.) Formed by water or aqueous solution; as, Neptunian rocks.
[1913 Webster]

Neptunian races (Ethnol.), the Malay and Polynesian races. -- Neptunian theory (Geol.), the theory of Werner, which referred the formation of all rocks and strata to the agency of water; -- opposed to the Plutonic theory.
[1913 Webster]


{ Nep*tu"ni*an (?), Nep"tu*nist (?) }, prop. n. [Cf. F. neptinien, neptuniste.] (Geol.) One who adopts the Neptunian theory.
[1913 Webster]