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INOSCULATE - Definiția din dicționar

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In*os"cu*late (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Inosculated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Inosculating (?).] [Pref. in- in + osculate.] 1. To unite by apposition or contact, as two tubular vessels at their extremities; to anastomose.
[1913 Webster]

2. To intercommunicate; to interjoin.
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The several monthly divisions of the journal may inosculate, but not the several volumes. De Quincey.
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In*os"cu*late (?), v. t. 1. To unite by apposition or contact, as two vessels in an animal body. Berkeley.
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2. To unite intimately; to cause to become as one.
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They were still together, grew
(For so they said themselves) inosculated.
[1913 Webster]