INDUCE - Definiția din dicționar
Traducere: română
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In*duce" (?), v. t.
1. To lead in; to introduce. [Obs.]
The poet may be seen
2. To draw on; to overspread. [A Latinism]
3. To lead on; to influence; to prevail on; to incite; to persuade; to move by persuasion or influence.
He is not obliged by your offer to do it, . . . though he may be
Let not the covetous desire of growing rich
4. To bring on; to effect; to cause; as, a fever induced by fatigue or exposure; anaphylactic shock induced by exposure to a allergen.
Sour things
5. (Physics) To produce, or cause, by proximity without contact or transmission, as a particular electric or magnetic condition in a body, by the approach of another body in an opposite electric or magnetic state.
6. (Logic) To generalize or conclude as an inference from all the particulars; -- the opposite of deduce.
7. (Genetics, Biochemistry) To cause the expression of (a gene or gene product) by affecting a transcription control element on the genome, either by inhibiting a negative control or by activating a positive control; to derepress; as, lactose induces the production of beta-galactosidase in