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Hue (?), n. [OE. hew, heow, color, shape, form, AS. hiw, heow; akin to Sw. hy skin, complexion, Goth. hiwi form, appearance.] 1. Color or shade of color; tint; dye. “Flowers of all hue.” Milton.
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Hues of the rich unfolding morn.
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2. (Painting) A predominant shade in a composition of primary colors; a primary color modified by combination with others.
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Hue, n. [OE. hue, huer, to hoot, shout, prob. fr. OF. hu an exclamation.] A shouting or vociferation.
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Hue and cry (Law), a loud outcry with which felons were anciently pursued, and which all who heard it were obliged to take up, joining in the pursuit till the malefactor was taken; in later usage, a written proclamation issued on the escape of a felon from prison, requiring all persons to aid in retaking him. Burrill.
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