FORBEAR - Definiția din dicționar
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For*bear" (fŏr*bâr"), n. [See
For*bear" (fŏr*bâr"), v. i.
Shall I go against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I
2. To refuse; to decline; to give no heed.
Thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will
3. To control one's self when provoked.
The kindest and the happiest pair
Will find occasion to
Both bear and
For*bear", v. t. 1. To keep away from; to avoid; to abstain from; to give up; as, to forbear the use of a word of doubtful propriety.
But let me that plunder
The King
In open battle or the tilting field
2. To treat with consideration or indulgence.
3. To cease from bearing. [Obs.]
Whenas my womb her burden would