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An`i*ma"tion (&unr_;), n. [L. animatio, fr. animare.] 1. The act of animating, or giving life or spirit; the state of being animate or alive.
[1913 Webster]
The animation of the same soul quickening the whole frame.
Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]
Perhaps an inanimate thing supplies me, while I am speaking, with whatever I possess of animation.
[1913 Webster]
2. The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness; as, he recited the story with great animation.
[1913 Webster]
Suspended animation, temporary suspension of the vital functions, as in persons nearly drowned.
[1913 Webster]
Syn. -- Liveliness; vivacity; spirit; buoyancy; airiness; sprightliness; promptitude; enthusiasm; ardor; earnestness; energy. See Liveliness.
[1913 Webster]