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Al"ti*tude (&unr_;), n. [L. altitudo, fr. altus high. Cf. Altar, Haughty, Enhance.] 1. Space extended upward; height; the perpendicular elevation of an object above its foundation, above the ground, or above a given level, or of one object above another; as, the altitude of a mountain, or of a bird above the top of a tree.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Astron.) The elevation of a point, or star, or other celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between such point and the horizon. It is either true or apparent; true when measured from the rational or real horizon, apparent when from the sensible or apparent horizon.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Geom.) The perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit, or to the side parallel to the base; as, the altitude of a triangle, pyramid, parallelogram, frustum, etc.
[1913 Webster]
4. Height of degree; highest point or degree.
[1913 Webster]
He is [proud] even to the altitude of his virtue.
[1913 Webster]
5. Height of rank or excellence; superiority. Swift.
[1913 Webster]
6. pl. Elevation of spirits; heroics; haughty airs. [Colloq.] Richardson.
[1913 Webster]
The man of law began to get into his altitude.
Sir W. Scott.
[1913 Webster]
Meridian altitude, an arc of the meridian intercepted between the south point on the horizon and any point on the meridian. See Meridian, 3.
[1913 Webster]