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LOLLARD - Definiția din dicționar

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Lol"lard (?), n. [LL. Lollardi, Lullardi, from Walter Lolhardus, a German; cf. LG. & D. lollen to mumble, to hum, sing in a murmuring strain; hence, OD. lollaerd a mumbler, i. e., of prayers or psalms, which was prob. the origin of the name. See Loll, Lull.] (Eccl. Hist.) (a) One of a sect of early reformers in Germany. (b) One of the followers of Wyclif in England. [Called also Loller.]
[1913 Webster]

By Lollards all know the Wyclifities are meant, so called from Walter Lollardus, one of their teachers in Germany. Fuller.
[1913 Webster]